This year’s theme for Mental Health Month:
Where to Start: Mental Health in a Changing World.
Technology has changed the way many people access services, from banking to doctor appointments, almost anything can be done on-line.
This also holds true for mental health services. It can be extremely overwhelming for someone suffering from a mental health diagnosis to reach out for help, let alone find appropriate services. If you are comfortable with using the internet, maybe you chat with friends and family over FaceTime, then you could have your therapy services on-line too. On-line therapy helps to take the stigma out of walking into a counseling center.
In-person therapy is also still available. The important thing to remember is to get started. It doesn’t matter which platform you choose. Getting the help you need is the hardest, but most important step.
Where to start looking for services? Start by calling your insurance provider. Every insurance has coverage for mental health services. Contacts with the Philadelphia and surrounding counties are as follows: