
Habits Not Resolutions

Written by Christine Sides, MA, LPC

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

As we head into the new year, we tend to make a list of resolutions. New Year, New Me! Most resolutions are not set up properly and fail by mid-February. Why is that? We need to train our new action into a habit in order for it to become a lifestyle change.

Here are 4 steps to help you develop habits for lasting change, and rid the guilt of failed resolutions forever.

Free Habit trackers Apps:

Loop Habit Tracker

Habit Share- Habit Tracker

Habitify- Daily Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker- Apple Store

For Dropbox users:

  1. Be Realistic- setting a goal that is realistic, provides greater probability of reaching that goal. You may have a goal to save$1000 in 3 months. Yet you currently have $20 in your account. The goal should have a more realistic timeframe or amount.
  2. Make a Plan- think of what changes you need to make in your everyday life to reach that goal. Set small goals, to reach your bigger goal. For example, if you want to save money, but you buy coffee everyday, a goal could include buying coffee 3 out of seven days per week. This is a small goal, that helps you make progress on your larger goal and is trackable. When we can see our accomplishments, we continue to work toward the goal.
  3. Make changes-
    a.      Start small- Change is never easy. Making small changes, set you up for success.
    b.      Accountability Partner- make the change with someone. This helps to hold you both accountable, while providing support and resources.
    c.      Make it visible- Reminders help us keep the habit going. If your goal is to drink more water, fill a reusable cup with water and place it at your workspace. Remember the saying out of sight, out of mind. Well, the same is true for in sight, in mind.
  4. Reward Yourself! You did all the hardwork to develop a new habit. Once you meet one of your small goals, reward yourself. Setting this reward at the same time you set your goal, provides motivation to keep the habit developing.