
Managing Expectations in the New Year


We’ve all heard the sayings “New Year, new you!, What’s your new years resolution?, What are your goals for the New year?”.  With the new year comes new expectations and perhaps increased stress with the idea of managing these related pending changes.  We would like to offer some basic tips to manage these expectations and ways to keep up with your New Year goals.

Be Specific in setting your goals

Be as specific as possible in goal setting. Knowing the amount of time each day you want to devote to an activity, where you need to be, which days, etc. allows you to be as detailed as possible with goal setting.  Additionally, it provides a natural blue print to track your progress to increase accountability in accomplishing your goal.

Limit the number of resolutions/goals

Prioritize what you want to attack first.  Stick to one goal and stay the course.  Having too many ongoing processes can derail your process.  


Planning what you want to accomplish makes a huge difference.  Making details in your plan measurable allows you to accurately measure success and know what the expectations are going forward.  

Baby Steps

Remember slow progress is still progress.  Celebrate the little victories, they add up to big accomplishments in the end.  

Don’t do it alone

Establish a support system. Research indicates that social support increases the success rate of you completing your goals.  Remember you are who you hang out with.