Healthy Eating: Small Changes for a Healthier You
Written by Christine Sides, M.A., LPC, Behavioral Health Specialist
Eating healthy is important because it helps us feel good, stay strong, and have energy to do the things we enjoy. But making changes to how we eat can feel tricky, and that’s okay! It’s normal to feel unsure at first, especially if you’re used to eating certain foods. The good news is that small changes can make a big difference, and you don’t have to change everything all at once.
Here are some simple tips to get started:
- Try Swapping Out Foods
Instead of cutting out your favorite foods, try swapping them for healthier options. Here are a few easy ideas:
• Instead of chips, try popcorn or pretzels for a crunchy snack.
• Instead of soda, drink water or flavored water with a slice of fruit.
• Instead of white bread, try whole-grain bread for more nutrients.
• Instead of sugary cereal, try oatmeal with a little honey or fruit on top.
- Add More Fruits and Veggies
You don’t have to love every vegetable—just find a few that you enjoy. You can try carrots with ranch dressing, apples with peanut butter, or a banana as a quick snack.
- Start Slow
You don’t have to change everything in one day. Start with one new habit, like drinking more water or eating one piece of fruit each day. Once that feels easy, try something else.
- Ask for Support
It’s okay to ask for help! Friends, family, or support workers can help you make a plan, find new recipes, or shop for healthy foods.
Remember, eating healthy isn’t about being perfect. It’s about finding foods that make you feel your best and making changes that work for you. Start small, and celebrate every step you take toward a healthier you!