PDPH Summer Heat Resources
During extreme heat, it’s important to check on your neighbors, especially older adults and people with chronic health conditions who are more likely to get sick and anyone who lives alone. Make sure they have access to air conditioning, are staying hydrated, and know how to call for help if they need it.
These resources are available during a Heat Health Emergency:
Contact the Public Health Preparedness Program at publichealthpreparedness@phila.gov or (215) 429-3016 to schedule an in-person or virtual workshop about staying safe during extreme heat, get printed copies of heat flyers and brochures mailed to your organization, and discuss your ideas of how we can support your community to stay safe from extreme heat this summer.
Stay connected to important information by signing up for free alerts from the city. Text READYPHILA to 888-777 for free texts direct to your phone.
Stay cool:
Other resources:
- Cooling Centers: These are locations, including libraries, rec centers, and senior centers throughout the City that have extended hours during heat health emergencies. To find a cooling center near you, call 311 or visit https://bit.ly/PhillyCool. Senior Centers are only open to those age 60+
- The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging Heatline – (215) 765-9040: Residents can call to get heat safety tips and resources as well as talk to a nurse about any health needs. The Heatline will be open from 8:30am through midnight on 7/27, 7/28, and 7/29.
- The Office of Homeless Services: If you see someone on the street that needs help, call (215) 232-1984 or call 911 for a medical emergency.
- More information about the Heat Health Emergency can be found here:
- Stay in air conditioning at home or in a cool public space. Visit www.art-reach.org or call (267) 515-6720 for free or discounted indoor activities.
- The hottest part of the day is from about 11am – 4pm; try to stay out of the sun and avoid strenuous activities, if possible
- Stay hydrated. Drink water or fruit juice even if you don’t feel thirsty. If you are hot and don’t feel well, call a doctor.
- Call 911 if you think someone is having an emergency.
- Stay Cool, Philly! Brochure:
English | Spanish
- Stay Cool, Philly! Fact Sheets:
English | Spanish
- Summer 2023 Newsletter:
English | Spanish
- Additional translations of all heat materials are available here and can be ordered here.
- Extreme Heat Guide:
- Includes information about health risks during extreme heat and tools to help you stay cool.
- Utility Emergency Services Fund – (215) 814-6835 or visit
www.uesfacts.org: Utility and housing assistance and more. Residents can call to learn about and enroll in state and federal benefits.