HRST Health Passport
This fillable document was designed as a repository for important information in the event of receiving medical, dental, or other care.
HRST FAQ and Overview Document
This resource is intended to assist providers with their understanding of the HRST. Included in this one page document are the names and contact information for the PCHC HRST Gatekeeper and Lead Nurse, as well as HRST technical and clinical support contact information.
Expanded Scoring Descriptors
The document is intended to assist nurses with the clinical review. This document describes the different scores an individual can have in each of the rating sections so the nurse can make sure that the comment/note contains the correct information showing that the score is appropriate.
Rating Preparation Checklist
This document provides details on the type of information to have when completing the HRST for an individual.
PA Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Protocol
This protocol contains information related to the use of the HRST in the state of Pennsylvania.
Post-visit Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Updating Guidelines
This protocol contains information related to the use of the HRST in the state of Pennsylvania.
Process Map for using Service and Training Considerations
This document provides a visual representation of best practices when using the HRST Service and Training Considerations.
Best Practices for Updating the HRST
This document provides best practices for when HRST should be updated, including episodic updates and annual updates.
A Rater’s Guide to Responding to a Clinical Review
This document is intended to assist a rater on the process of responding to a clinical review. It explains the clinical review process and lists the steps to take when responding to a clinical review.
The HRST Considerations: Definitions
This document provides information regarding HRST’s Service and Training Considerations. It provides definitions of terms used in these considerations that can be helpful to a team when responding to Service and Training Considerations.
Protocol for Completing a Clinical Review
This document provides information regarding HRST's clinical review process. It provides a basic protocol and process as well as an overview for clinical reviewers to follow while completing an HRST clinical review.
Monthly Data Tracker
This document is designed to allow those who support the person most directly to easily track changes related to the 22 rating items of the HRST.
Acute Care Summary
This document is a fillable form that can facilitate continuity of care when an individual has had a hospitalization, ER visit, or other facility stay. This is extremely useful when updating the HRST after such events.
HRST Rating Item Relationship Guide
The Rating Items of the HRST relate to one another. Changing the score of one Rating Item will likely impact the score of other related Rating Items. This document will help Raters and Clinical Reviewers ensure that all Rating Items are properly addressed when screening the HRST.
Data Worksheet
This document allows support staff to collect information that can be used to determine a score in the HRST web-based application by a trained HRST rater.
Bowel Medications
This document will assist raters with identifying different types of bowel medications, as they are scored differently in HRST.
Common Diagnosis and Medication Entry Errors
This document provides information to help avoid some of the more common diagnoses and medication entry errors.
How to Write Quality HRST Rating Item Notes
This document will assist raters in writing quality Rating Item notes that support the Rating Item score. It provides best practices as well as examples of notes for each HRST Rating Item.