
Behavioral Health


Outreach Flyers

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Individuals and Families

Physical Health

Publications - Behavioral Health

Principles of Everyday Lives and Recovery

The purpose of this brochure is to outline the basic principles of a recovery oriented system for a dually diagnosed individual. This brochure includes a brief Quality of Life questionnaire that can help facilitate team and individual discussions.

PCHC Informational Booklet

Philadelphia Coordinated Health Care (PCHC) is a unique and innovative program designed to provide health care support to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or autism (IDD and/or Autism) living in the community in Philadelphia and Southeastern region of Pennsylvania.

Crisis Evaluation Tips

This one page tip sheet provides basic crisis evaluation suggestions.

Community Services and Resource Guide

A listing of services available from DBHIDS.

DDX Direct Support Curriculum Training Booklet

This booklet provides an overview of the Pennsylvania dual diagnosis direct support curriculum training initiative. An outline of the curriculum, as well as training summaries for each training, is enclosed.

Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) Brochure

This brochure describes certified peer specialist services and how these services can be accessed.

Accessing Crisis Services and Supports in Southeastern PA

This brochure provides an overview of the warning signs of someone in a crisis, service and support options as well as how to access programs that assist in recovery and promote a healthy everyday life.

Accessing Behavioral Health and/or Substance Use Services in Southeastern PA

This publication was created as a guide to assist people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their supporters in accessing behavioral health and/or substance use services in Southeastern PA. The information provided includes:
  • How to Access Services
  • Managed Care information
  • Available Services provided by County Behavioral Health-Managed Care Organizations
  • Crisis Center Hotline Information

Behavior Specialist Behavior Plans Booklet

This booklet describes Behavioral Consultation Services such as what a Behavior Specialist can do for you and the model for the development of a good Behavior Plan.

Caregiver Strategy Tips

Tips on caregiver strategies in supporting individuals with an intellectual disability and anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, mania and psychosis.

Integrated Health Clinical Review Process Brochure

This brochure describes the PCHC Integrated Health Clinical Review process which is designed to provide a comprehensive and holistic overview of the person’s physical, environmental and mental health. This process also aids teams supporting people who have an intellectual disability and mental health challenges in utilizing a Recovery frame work.

Publications - Physical Health

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Booklet

Booklet to help people better understand GERD, to recognize possible symptoms of GERD, and to obtain proper treatment for GERD. This is a common health care condition affecting people with IDD.

Genetic Testing Brochure

The PCHC Genetic Testing Brochure provides the reader with a brief overview of the purpose and process of genetic testing and the benefits of genetic testing regarding identifying medical and behavioral risk factors.  This testing is often recommended for people with ID. Brief overviews of Angelman's, Fragile X and Prader-Willi Syndromes are provided within the brochure as well as where to find additional resources and information regarding genetic testing.

General Guidelines for Nurses in Community Residential Programs Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Booklet

The guidelines in this booklet are a compilation of potential nursing involvement in the health care of  people with ID. The guidelines should not be construed as a list of required activities to be performed by nurses working in small community homes since it would be relatively impossible for anyone to be responsible for all facets of the activities described.

Management of Pain for people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) & Other Developmental Disabilities

Booklet used as a tool to help providers, family members, caregivers and individuals understand pain management for people with ID and other disabilities.

Hospital Outreach Brochure

Hospitalizations can be challenging for people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) .  Many healthcare providers may have concerns and uncertainties around providing services to people with ID. These issues can create a barrier to optimal health outcomes for people with ID.

Hearing Aid Resources

Here is information with additional resources to obtain insurance coverage and financial assistance for hearing aids.

Men's Health Information Booklet

The Men's Health and Wellness booklet was designed to a handbook for men with ID that can serve as a guideline to living a healthy life.

Navigating the Insurance System

It can be difficult and confusing to navigate the health insurance system. This updated guide will help explain each insurance plan, their coordination, the importance of Special Needs Units (SNUs), define medical insurance terminology, eligibility and provide resources.

Navegando por el Sistema de Seguros

Puede ser difícil y confuso navegar por el sistema de salud. La guía actualizada ayudará a explicar cada plan de seguro, su coordinación, la importancia de las Unidades de Necesidades Especiales, definir la terminología del seguro médico, la elegibilidad y proveer recursos.

Safety Reminders

This publication provides an overview of issues to consider as people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) get older and/or experience changes in physical or mental health status. It includes a list of links to many important safety resources.

Preventing Pressure Injuries and Skin Integrity Resources

This section contains tools and resources in both English and Spanish to address pressure injuries and skin integrity issues. It also includes ODP approved material for the statewide Pennsylvania Skin Initiative.

Esta sección contiene información y recursos en inglés y español para abordar las lesiones por presión y los problemas de integridad de la piel.

Download resources/Descargar recursos

Developmental Disabilties Nursing Guidebook

The Developmental Disabilities Nursing Guidebook is a resource that provides useful information about the specialty of Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities nursing and health care for people with disabilities.

Specific nursing issues are examined including certification, delegation, documentation and health promotion. The various roles of the ID nurse in a residential agency are explored.

Community Health Review

The Community Health Review (CHR) is a review completed by a PCHC Nurse. The person’s team completes and forwards a Team Agreement Form to PCHC to request a CHR.  Reviews are requested for any number of reasons such as physical health issues, mental health challenges, change in functional status, etc.  The review involves a holistic approach—meeting the person, reviewing information received from the team, and reviewing records.  

Feeding Tube Resource Packet

Resources and documents helpful in support of people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) that can be adapted to meet your personal needs.

Click here for a project description.

Fatal Five Resource List

In a continued effort to support the identified Fatal Five medical conditions, PCHC created a helpful handout with a list of online resources to support these conditions. Feel free to download and use them for training, reference, or support for a person identified with or at-risk for these conditions.

HIRS (Health Information Recording System)

A medical record keeping system designed to meet the needs of individuals, caregivers and health care professionals within the ID system. The entire document can be downloaded here.

All individual HIRS forms can be downloaded from the Forms web page under the Health Information Recording System (HIRS) tab.

Click here for a project description.

Dysphagia Booklet

A guide for those providing support in residential settings to individuals with an intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism. It provides an overview of dysphagia, its warning signs, and steps that can be taken to obtain a dysphagia diagnosis and individualized plan of care.

Click here for a project description.

Diabetes Booklet

The Diabetes Guide provides individuals, families and support staff with useful information about diabetes and tools to support an individual living with diabetes. Some highlights from the guide include:
  • How to Access Services
  • Managed Care information
  • Available Services provided by County Behavioral Health-Managed Care Organizations
  • Crisis Center Hotline Information

Hospital Admission and Discharge Planning Booklet

The information in this booklet is provided as a tool to assist anyone dealing with hospitalizations or facing extended medical care. Some of the topics include:planning for hospital admission, roles and responsibilities of hospital staff and team members, preparing for discharge home or transferring to another health care facility and documentation. Funding was provided by Pennsylvania LINK to Aging and Disability Resources, June 2015.

Dysphagia Resource Directory

A directory developed by the Southeast Region Dysphagia Summit Task Force Committee designed to be a resource guide to helpmeet the needs of individuals with an intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism. It contains a number of resources on dysphagia and swallowing problems including the Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Checklist, the Meal Profile, and guidelines for writing a dysphagia policy.

Click here for a project description.

Nurses Survey Report

Report on a survey of nurses working in small community residential homes providing health care support for people with ID in the Southeastern Region of Pennsylvania. Click here for a project description.

ODP Resource Guide for Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Individuals

The purpose of this guide is to offer resources in one central location for those who support
or care for someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind and receives supports from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). Development of this guide included input from individuals within the Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, and hearing communities.

Nursing Home Panel Review Brochure

The purpose of the Nursing Home Review Panel is to review each Philadelphia Pennhurst or Embreevìlle class member who may need a skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility. The Nursing Home Review Panel must be informed of admission to a nursing home or rehabilitation facility in order to monitor progress to ensure quality and discharge.

The Hospital Admission Follow Up Form needs to be submitted to the Nursing Home Review Panel whenever a Pennhurst or Embreeville class member, registered in Philadelphia, is admitted to a hospital. This form needs to be resubmitted anytime there is a change in the placement of the class member who has been hospitalized. The Hospital Admission Follow Up Form is submitted by the Supports Coordinator assigned to the class member.

Special Needs Unit (SNU) Brochure

The SNU Brochure provides an overview of the role of the Special Needs Units, how to access their services and the importance of attending PCHC's quarterly SNU meetings.

Sexual Abuse Awareness and Resources Brochure

This brochure outlines critical issues regarding sexual abuse awareness related to people with ID. This brochure answers questions including: What are the risk factors? What should you look for? How can you help? It provides guidance on what you should do if you suspect or witness sexual abuse and provides information on organizations who can help.

Training Topic List

This is a catalog of trainings offered by PCHC. You can schedule any of our trainings by filling out the Training Request Form. If you have questions or would like to inquire about other topics that are not listed, please call the Education Department at 215-546-0300 ext. 3315

Wheelchair Guide Brochure

This booklet is intended to assist people, families, advocates, residential supports staff, agency nurses and supports coordinators to obtain safe and appropriate wheelchairs for people with an Intellectual Disability (ID).

PCHC Review Types

This publication discusses the difference and uses of various review processes, including the Community Health Review (CHR), the Integrated Health Clinical Review (IHCR), and the Transition Review

PCHC Informational Booklet

Philadelphia Coordinated Health Care (PCHC) is a unique and innovative program designed to provide health care support to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or autism (IDD and/or Autism) living in the community in Philadelphia and Southeastern region of Pennsylvania.

Publications - Individuals and Families

Familia HIRS - Un sistema bilingüe (español)

Un sistema bilingüe (español) de mantenimiento de registros médicos diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias y individuos.

Health Care Mentorship Program

The Health Care Mentorship Program was developed to assist people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) to become more involved in taking control of their health care needs. Examples of some topics which may be of interest are: questions about the person's diagnosis, discussion of health promotion strategies, review of purpose of the medications, how to keep records, schedule physician appointments and insurance discussion.

Hobbies Resource Guide

This guide helps individuals live an everyday life in Southeastern PA. It provides inclusive activities at locations that have arts and crafts, outdoor activities, fitness and more... Check it out!

Letter of Medical Necessity

When planning to write a letter of medical necessity, there are key components that are necessary to include in your letter in order to provide a proficient argument for the requested denied services. Click on the link to download more information and to see a sample letter.

Let's Talk About Sexual Abuse Booklet

This booklet acts as a resource for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and their families. It explains what sexual abuse is, what to do if you are abused and how to get help.

Navigating the Insurance System Again

It can be difficult and confusing to navigate the health insurance system. This updated guide will help explain each insurance plan, their coordination, the importance of Special Needs Units (SNUs), define medical insurance terminology, eligibility and provide resources.

Men's Health Information

The Men's Health and Wellness booklet was designed to provide men with guidelines to living a healthy life. Information covered in this booklet includes communication, exercise and dieting recommendations, helpful hygiene tips and making a plan to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sexual Abuse Awareness and Resources Brochure

This brochure outlines critical issues regarding sexual abuse awareness related to people with ID. This brochure answers questions including: What are the risk factors? What should you look for? How can you help? It provides guidance on what you should do if you suspect or witness sexual abuse and provides information on organizations who can help.

Special Needs Unit (SNU) Brochure

The SNU Brochure provides an overview of the role of the Special Needs Units, how to access their services and the importance of attending PCHC's quarterly SNU meetings.

Understanding Mental Illness Brochure

This booklet was written as a resource for individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ID) and their families. It helps people to understand what mental illness is and also gives them ideas of what they can do to help themselves feel better.

PCHC Informational Booklet

Philadelphia Coordinated Health Care (PCHC) is a unique and innovative program designed to provide health care support to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or autism (IDD and/or Autism) living in the community in Philadelphia and Southeastern region of Pennsylvania.
The PCHC Health Care Alert and Active News are quarterly designed to share information about pertinent health care topics, nursing information, risk management issues and community resources.


Health Care Alerts

PCHC's Health Care Alert newsletter is a quarterly publication providing health care tips for people with an Intellectual Disability (ID) and/or Autism and their support teams.

Active News - En Español

PCHC's Active News publication is for individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ID) and/or Autism and their families.

Outreach Flyers

PCHC’s Outreach Flyers are created to share time sensitive information related to health insurance coordination and pertinent public health topics.

See an overview of PCHC's Outreach program
Medicare Update FlyerFAQs for Technical Assistance
Medicare Update Flyer

Notice of upcoming changes to Medicare cards in 2018 - 2019.
FAQs for Technical Assistance

Information about technical assistance while accessing health resources.
Bilingual Resources Flyer
Bilingual Resources Flyer

Please read this important announcement regarding the various bilingual resources we provide.
Special Needs Unit (SNU) Meetings Update
Special Needs Unit (SNU) Meetings Update

Please read this important announcement regarding changes with the Special Needs Unit Meetings.
Letter of Medical Necessity
Letter of Medical Necessity

When planning to write a letter of medical necessity there are key components that are necessary to include in order to provide a proficient argument for the requested denied services.
Medical Assistance Flyers
Medical Assistance Flyers

The following flyers bring to light important benefit changes for individuals with Medical Assistance in “fee for service”. Getting the details of medical insurance is oftentimes challenging; therefore, these flyers were created in an effort to minimize confusion and increase your level of understanding.

Medical Assistance Benefit Changes Flyer
Medical Assistance Dental Benefit Changes
Medical Assistance Pharmacy Benefit Changes
Identification for Protection
Identification for Protection

Many health care professionals are now requesting photo identification (I.D’s) from patients prior to administering any services. This flyer draws attention to laws and regulations surrounding photo identification requirements. Information on how to obtain photo identification is also included.
Heat Safety Risk Alert Flyer
Heat Safety Risk Alert Flyer

Extreme temperatures in the summer can pose severe health risk to those unprotected. This flyer discusses the potential dangers of heat in cars. In addition it provides tips on how to protect yourself and others in extreme climates.