
This Week is Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week
9/10/2023 through 9/16/2023!

A sincere Thank You to all of the of the DSPs who work in the field of Intellectual Disabilities (ID) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  You strive to provide quality supports every day to the special needs population.  

To celebrate DSP Recognition Week, PCHC is delighted to introduce Ms. Marie Oscar.  Marie works for COMHAR and was nominated by Christine Sides, PCHC’s Behavior Specialist. 

Sharise Hammond, Program Manager at COMHAR stated “Marie always gives 110% effort toward making sure that the women she works with have everything they need. She works with women who are dually diagnosed with behavioral health and ID. They occasionally make her the target of their behaviors but Marie takes it all in stride and gives them her absolute best; recognizing that their behavior is not a reflection of how they feel about her.” Ms.  Hammond went on to report that Marie truly deserves recognition for going above and beyond expectations.  

Marie was interviewed to highlight and celebrate her achievements as a DSP. Her answers are below: 

How many years have you worked in the field of ID? Altogether, I have worked in the field for almost 35 years. I worked with individuals with intellectual disabilities 20 years ago in New York state prior to moving to Pennsylvania.  I have since worked at COMHAR for the past 15 years. 

How many individuals live in the home that you work in?  We currently have two women living here, the maximum capacity for this home is three. 

What do you enjoy the most about your work as a DSP? I enjoy making sure that the women I work with have everything they need and want in place so that they can achieve success. I love to see them live their best possible lives. I enjoy taking them out in the community for appointments or shopping or just having a good time in the community.

If you had a wish list as a DSP, what would be on it? To be able to spend more time with the ladies just doing the things that they enjoy because it was so difficult during the pandemic when we could not go out or have visitors. 

Quote from Marie?
I believe DSPs should strive to support the individuals they serve as they would support their own family members. Being consistently kind and thoughtful is free to give and wonderful to receive.”